Y'rael Le'woe

The Recovered Star

Real Name: Sverð Vonar

Once A young gleaner known for his mastery of the sage arts and the bow, he was placed to support the initial excavation of the Antitower in Driviania. It was there in the depths of the aetherial sea where Hydaelyn shared a vision of the future with the team, of the final days that would destroy Etheirys. As the team panicked at their discovery, visions of eld awoke and plagued the young gleaners mind, visions that were his but not, of a life lived but not living. A name sung upon his lips, but never spoken. The face of another, and the name of Fandaniel stood out in the swirl of memories. It was made clear that this… Fandaniel, held the key to what was to come. Casting away his ties to his once home, he took to the shadows awaiting for the time to come. As Eorzea was once again plagued by malice and strife, he appeared under the guise of a faithful follower of the Telophoroi by the name of Y’rael. He sought to learn and impede Fandaniel’s and Zenos’s plans without raising suspicion, leaving enough breadcrumbs for Eorzea’s Champion to breach the Tower of Babel along with the answers to the questions they seeked. He held no delusions that he would survive the final days, the world will not let it be so. So when Meteion herself barred the final way into her nest of despair, he appeared before the last of the would be heros, lamenting at them for giving in to such a false sense of despair. They were carrying the hope of their star on their shoulders, did so much for the world, and to give up now would be the same as stepping on those very dreams they chose to carry. So it appeared once again, He would have to help them and show them the way. By his true name, he would be Hope’s Sword and he will cut the path for Hope’s champions to follow.When Meteion sung her song of hope, it released Y’rael from his fight against the tainted dynamis, it combined with the residual power of Azems magics was enough to summon his soul back to the corporal world. He revealed himself as one who remembers to the Fragmented Azem, telling them to get away and that he would face Zenos himself. The world needed them more, and even should he fall, he was resolved to take Zenos with him. Drawing his bow, he turned to face Zenos. He reveled his true name, and the name of the one who came before, whose memories and knowledge were his to burden. Before the time of the young emissary, there was Coeus, he who held the seat of Elidibus, and Zenos should prepare to face an emissary of the convocation.